Now isn’t this precious? A scruffy young pup imploring us to a game of fetch or whatever it is dogs do. Chicago’s F, who sent us this charming canine, certainly seems smitten with her “Seamus” but it leaves this reviewer as cold as a Siamese cat. With eyes as soulless as a sharks and ham-fisted shading looking more like the coarse etchings of a lifeless, turn-of-the-century nude than a frisky modern-day mutt, F has managed to capture all the warmth of a shareholders meeting. No need to play dead, Seamus.
You are spot-on, as they say. Lifeless and grey. I only wish I could stop laughing so I could wipe the tears from my eyes. This piece has left me a confused mess of sorrow and joy.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention it was created by a 10 year old. Don't 10 year olds know how to get beyond PERFECT re-creation and into metaphorical emotion?!?!?!?